Information about Key Stage 1 Year 2 SATs
Key Stage 1 SATs
The SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are a statutory requirement used to assess children at the end of Key Stage 1. Teacher assessment is used to report children’s attainment and progress to parents. Teachers will use the Key Stage 1 test results and day to day work in class to help them to reach an overall judgement of the standards children have reached in reading, writing and mathematics. Throughout the year the children are familiarised with assorted assessment questions as part of everyday teaching and learning. By the summer term, they are then able to undertake their SATs with confidence, and do not view the process as something unusual or stressful. Parents will receive their child’s results by the end of the summer term. KS1 statutory assessments take place within the month of May.
The Statutory Assessment Codes and Standards are:
- PKS 1-4-Pre-Key Stage 1 standards ranging from 1-4 (Pre-Key Stage 1 standards must be used for statutory assessment of pupils at the end of KS1 who are working below the overall standard of national curriculum assessments.)
- WTS-Working towards the expected standard.
- EXS-Working at the expected standard.
- GDS-Working at greater depth within the expected standard.
Year 2 Mathematics SATs
The mathematics test comprises of two components, which are presented to pupils as two separate test papers. The first paper is an arithmetic paper, the second paper presents a range of mathematical reasoning and problem-solving questions.
Year 2 English SATs
Reading comprises of 2 papers:
- Short text and questions.
- Longer text with separate questions.
The children’s writing is assessed continually throughout the year. Teacher’s judgements are moderated internally, within our school partnership and can be externally moderated by Wandsworth.