Computing at Sacred Heart Primary School
Our Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Computing at Sacred Heart
At Sacred Heart Primary School, we recognise that technology plays a huge part in modern life and will only become more integral as our children grow up. We appreciate that our children’s access to technology outside of school varies widely, therefore we aim to equip every child to confidently use all forms of technology from our newest iPads obtained through our project with Apple, to Chromebooks and even robotics as well as developing a solid understanding of how computers work, allowing all an equal opportunity for all children.
Furthermore, we aim to develop children’s perception of technology as a tool for learning, innovation, and discovery.
Our curriculum aims to embed technology throughout all subjects and allow every pupil hands-on experience with a variety of hardware and software. Children have the opportunity to use technology to enhance their learning in all subjects as well as learn Computer Science discreetly through our specialist CLC (City Learning Centre) computing teachers, who provide high quality, tailored programmes of study.
Our Computing curriculum is taught in a safe and supportive learning environment where the children know where to go for help when a concern arises online and can talk about the importance of using technology safely and respectfully as online safety sessions are taught each half term. Ultimately, every child should leave Sacred Heart as a confident, able and responsible digital citizen.
Computing in EYFS
Computing (or technology as it was known by previously) is no longer a separate learning area or ELG. Instead, ‘Computing’ is incorporated into all areas of learning in the EYFS. For example, within the Nursery, pupils will be learning to remember rules, (PSED), to match their physical skills to tasks and activities, (physical development) and to explore how things work, (UW).
During the Reception year, pupils will develop resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge. They will know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing, e.g. sensible amounts of ‘screen time’, (PSED).
Pupils will develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently, (PD).
They will explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings, (EAD).
Aspects of the ELGs which relate to Computing include: being confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge. Being able to explain the reasons for rules, to know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly.
These steps build the foundations for the knowledge and skills required for the Computing curriculum in KS1.
Computing Curriculum Road Map Year 1 – Year 6
Computing Curriculum Milestones Year 1 – Year 6
Project Evolve Online Safety Map